Tricks, tips, blog
DIY elven tiara

In this article, I have prepared a tutorial for easy and inexpensive production of elf tiara. This tiara is inspired by the tiara worn by Thranduil in the movie The Hobbit. It is not a replica of it, but I took inspiration from it.
Here we go. We’ll need a hot glue gun and glue sticks, plastic leaves, plastic primer, colored varnish, wire.
Prepare the wire, I bought it at the hardware store as floral arranger wire. Wrap the wire around your head to give the tiara a basic shape. Bend the ends of the wire on both sides along the ears up to the cheeks.Then make the branches you can see in the photo, just wrap the wires together.hen we take a hot melt gun and use glue to wrap all the wires, letting them dry completely.

Then glue the twigs to the head of the tiara using the hot glue gun. Take the artificial flowers and tear off the leaves and glue the leaves to the branches using the hot glue gun.

When we have all the petals glued to the branches, it’s time to take the plastic primer ( not necessary, but the varnish sticks better and doesn’t peel off ) and paint the whole crown. When the primer is dry on the crown, spray the whole crown with spray paint, I used rosegold. Now, the tiara is done. ! π

Combining costumes in photos – tips for models, photographers and fantasy fans.
Many people, either customers or photographers, for whom my photographs are an inspiration ( and I really appreciate that ), ask me questions about my costumes and quite often there are people who want to buy them. But please allow me to dedicate this article to you,to you who are interested in an effective costume for photography, one that will match your horse. In this article you will find my know how, which I am very happy to share with you and I believe you will find it beneficial.
As a person who has been involved in photography for a few years, I have found that it doesn’t make sense to buy a lot of expensive and laborious costumes. I’ve had a few and always used them for one or two shoots at the most and what we’ll say, the fundus, if you’re into fantasy photography, needs to be really big and above all varied.
Over the years I’ve found that I personally just need to have a couple of corsets in reserve ( I have about five or six in total and two are just under my breasts ), a corset has a big advantage when you have weight fluctuations. π So I consider the corset as one of my staple pieces, which I then combine everything else with. I also have three riding skirts, mixing and matching and buying basic colours has worked well for me, which for me are white, red and black. I choose brown or shades of brown as a complimentary colour, which I then use for my warrior style shoots. I then use riding pants or leggings as pants and classic riding boots over them. As you can see, my fantasy photos are always with my stallion, so in this article I will mainly focus on combining outfits with the horse, but I believe it will also help people who just want to look different often and not buy new and new costumes all the time.
Another important fundus of mine is to have a lot of furs to choose from, I choose either grey or brown, I use grey furs for a dark and gothic look and brown furs for elven warriors, vikings or royal looks.
I also consider any kind of feather to make your costume extra special. For each photo in the article, you’ll find a description of what was used in it, so you can see how easy it is to combine the pieces. π In my next article, coming soon, I’ll show you simple tips on how to easily and cheaply prepare decorations for yourself. π

The amazon warrior costume was very easy to make. It is basically two strips of leather fabric. Both stripes are knotted in the back, so the size is universal. The feathers and pieces of cut rabbit fur are then glued onto the plain strip with a hot glue gun. The skirt is made in a wrapping way. The headband is classic, in the hair and on it glued feathers and fur.The collar with feathers is very showy and will be given here soon ! π It is a very simple and spectacular creation.

This costume looks very effective and dark and yet it was so simple and you can do it too. Here you can see the combination of the black skirt ( riding ) and the black corset under the breasts, I’m wearing a black sports bra on my chest but you can’t see it under the fur collar. The fur is sewn from 3 fox tails and two Arctic fox collars that I got for free for the purpose of the shoot. The bodice of the dress is for tying across the neck and across the chest. I just cut fringe style strips from a white sheet and tied them onto the costume, and used the same process for the headband and arms. Very simple and quick ! The shaman’s staff is then a plain found stick with some more fox fur attached with wire, a dream catcher I had at home and antlers and some fringe from the sheet. It took only 10 minutes to make.

There is beauty in simplicity. Here I am wearing only five pieces of clothing. The headband with the roses and the long black gloves are bought from SHEIN. The dress, which gives the impression of being both complete and expensive, is a combination of my basic pieces, namely the red riding skirt and the red corset over the bust. On the shoulders I have a plain black fur collar from my winter jacket, on which I sewed a ribbon to tie in the middle and a few silver beads.

Here you can see another simple combination that I’m sure you can find in your everyday wardrobe and at home. Again, I wore a black corset under my breasts, since it was already very cold outside, I opted for two plain black thermal underneath. On the shoulders I took about 2 yards of leftover black fabric, on which I sewed 4 hooks for fastening. Two hooks on the outside and two hooks on the inside. This piece of fabric over the shoulders makes for an easy wrap and can be combined with pretty much anything. I then sewed one simple silver filigree in the front to give it a touch of history. For trousers there are plain black sofstheel riding trousers and tall riding boots. The epaulets were borrowed. A very simple costume !
These were some simple examples of combining a few things with ones you can easily make at home quickly and cheaply. Next time we’ll look at making some prop that is very fancy and will take you a while to make.